Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Classmate Resonse: You Know You're a Slacker When....

    One word: wow. I just read Stephanie Little's blog (, and I must say, I feel like a total slacker now. Just looking at the blog makes me sigh, its very well laid-out. Every entry has numerous links and images inside of them, so that without even reading the full entry you can get a sense of what she is talking about.

    Once you actually get inside the blog and start reading her entries, you will be astounded, like I was, in the sophistication of her writing. Her class responses are very insightful, and her media critique was good, but it seemed like she was more focusing on the broad issue of rape culture in our society (though I can see where she has a point, I also know that many Americans are disgusted with the violent crime that is rape) than the actual media article she was critiquing. Nobody is perfect, I won't hold it against her.

     Anyways, I absolutely love her blog and if you have the chance, you should check it out.

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