Monday, October 14, 2013

Jamie's Pros and Cons of Conglommeration

    Hello again! I'm ready to dive back into this blog, hopefully with a little less rash of an approach than I used last time. If I ever offended you, I deeply apologize for my tone, but I refuse to apologize for my opinion or my words.

    So let's dive into my first topic, shall we?

    To start us off, I would like to say how much I enjoyed Jamie's short yet thorough explanation on the pros and cons of conglomeration. I made a similar entry not too long ago, wait, never mind. That was on demassification. Anyways, if you ever need a brief overview or reminder of the ups and downs side to conglomeration, check her blog out.

    What I liked about it was that it was very factual. However, it was written in a way that clearly showed that Jamie thought that conglomeration did more harm than good. This is fine; there is nothing wring with that. Personally, I would have loved to see her really go deep into the subject to find points of view that wouldn't be thought of normally. With her obvious talent as a writer, I think that really could have done something amazing with that post, if she ever chooses to expand on it.

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