Friday, November 15, 2013

Really WLKY?

   Under WLKY's "Latest Headlines" section today was the headline "Where Are 'Cosby Show' Stars Today?"

    This violates the yardstick of newsworthiness, as this information does not affect our daily lives. This information would fall under the yardstick's "peripheral" category. This means that this topic (celebrity news) is not a "core" (main) topic. Celebrity news such as this does not belong on a news website.

    This story also violates the principle of making the important interesting. Where the Cosby stars are is not important, its just interesting. Actually, its not even interesting. It's just filler "news" to put on WLKY's website.

    Also violated was the yardstick of local relevancy. Where the Cosby stars are doesn't affect the Louisville area at all, because they aren't around here. As a local news station, local relevancy should be an easy yardstick to follow.

    Really WLKY? Really?

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